Web Developer
Hello, world!
I'm Aidan.
Welcome to my website! Below is a showcase of some of the noteworthy programming and design projects that I have worked on over the past couple of years. Here you can find my resume as well as some background on who I am, what I am currently working on, and what I plan to do in the future. If you would like to see in more detail what I am currently working on, there is a link to my GitHub page in the Calendar to the right.
GitHub walz0
About Me
Stock Viewer
Description - This is an app that can be used to monitor stock prices and calculate useful metrics such as a company's return on invested capital (ROIC), and earnings yield. These metrics can be calculated in bulk (by specified industry), and then ranked accordingly. The core functionality is a web scraper that travels to financial websites and pulls the necessary numbers to do the calculations. This project was created in order to practice asynchronous programming. In essence, handling data that is constantly changing and performing a task effectively.
Language - C#
Description - This app is useful for visualizing mathematical functions in greater detail than what could be done on a normal graphing utility. Features include: animated functions, vectors, real-time tangent line to curve, and derivative functions. This project was created as a means of learning javascript and introducing myself to app development in the browser. However, what originally was a web app transformed into a desktop app which utilized the electron framework.
Language - Javascript (NodeJS)
I certify that the content included in this portfolio/website is my own original work (or is cited accurately) and accurate to my knowledge. Work included which was conducted as part of a team or other group is indicated and attributed as such the other team members are named and a true description of my role in the project is included. Aidan Walz.